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Campeonato de España de Turismos (CET): 2019-2022

Intended as a revival of the original Campeonato de España de Turismos, which folded in the late 1990s, the new iteration of the series didn't really work out as planned. Launched for the 2019 season to reasonable interest from drivers and teams, the series marked the return of an established national tin top championship in Spain.

Unfortunately though, timing was not on the championship’s side. The COVID-19 pandemic saw the 2020 season cancelled, which threatened to kill the momentum of the new series. The 2021 season proved to be fairly strong despite this, boosted by the new addition of TCR Spain: effectively a standalone series that shared the grid with the CET.

Both the CET and TCR Spain attracted healthy grids in 2021, so hopes were high for the 2022 season. Sadly, these hopes were quickly extinguished. There were only a handful of full-season entries across both championships, which left the series in a pretty sorry state.

The plug was pulled at the end of the 2022 season, with the CET ceasing and TCR Spain going off to become its own separate championship. Perhaps at another time the CET could have enjoyed greater success, as the concept seemed sound; essentially a cheaper alternative to TCR for drivers on lower budgets or with less experience.