
This site was created with some simple goals: to try and preserve as much of the history of touring car racing as possible, offer statistics that often aren’t available, and generally celebrate what I feel is an underappreciated form of motorsport. Obviously this is a huge task, especially for one person, and it’s still firmly a work-in-progress. Ideally I would like to cover as many notable championships from around the world as I can, be they national, regional, one-make or international events. I’ve got a list of series I’d like to try and get round to including, and the number’s in triple digits. So bear with, this is going to take a while.

So that’s the aim of the site, but I should probably introduce myself as well. I’m a 24-year-old motorsport nerd from sunny Scotland. I love pretty much any form of car racing, but touring car racing has always held a special place in my heart. In recent years that’s turned into something more akin to an obsession, hence the concept of this site.

The initial idea for this project dates back a few years, when I first started keeping track of BTCC race results and putting together stats out of curiosity. I had considered doing the same for some other championships for a while, but it took until 2022 for the idea of this site to start to take shape.

That year I was diagnosed with a chronic illness (ME/CFS) that effectively put my life on an indefinite pause. Due to this I was forced to quit uni and effectively had to start managing my illness full-time. Obviously having your life turned upside down suddenly like that isn’t very fun, so I found myself needing a hobby that I could really throw myself into as a distraction. Something that I could work on at my own pace with my limited energy, that I was passionate about, and that would make me feel fulfilled.

And that’s where this site comes in. I have a particular enthusiasm for motorsport history, so this site is a way for me to contribute in a small way towards the preservation of the history of the sport I love. Plus, this site gives me somewhere to post articles again; I had previously written on DriveTribe (gone but not forgotten), and I had been studying journalism at uni with hopes of working in motorsport either in a media or journalistic capacity.

As daft as it might sound, this project has genuinely made a huge difference in helping me stay positive and motivated during quite a difficult time. There are still a hell of a lot of championships I’d like to include on the site, so there’s plenty more work to do going forward. Given my heavily limited energy I have to work at a slower pace than I’d ideally like, so apologies if updates aren’t always the most consistent. Realistically, this will likely be an ongoing project for the foreseeable future. Hopefully you find the site helpful, informative, or at least vaguely interesting.

Side note: while every effort has been made to ensure all data on this site is as accurate as possible, the sheer amount of data there is to work through means there may be the occasional minor error. Race wins, podiums, and other major stats have all been checked over multiple times, but there might be some cases of a car being credited with an extra couple of points in its total tally, a top five finish missing from a driver’s total, little things like that. If you spot a mistake like this, let me know and I’ll correct it.